The long history of SMK Negeri 2 Pacitan began in 1958. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in that year, mentioned on the Establishment of School Teacher 6 years (SGA) State. Signed a letter dated August 5, 1959 that became effective on 1 September 1959. In the early days of founding the precursor of SMK Negeri 2 Pacitan is still located at Jalan Veteran No. 5 Pacitan.
On January 2, 1976, under the decree, the government decided to open a parallel class (double shift) in the SPG in East Java.
Switching the location of the school who was then still called the SPG and is located at Jalan Veteran No. 5 started with the determination letter adanay construction of a new building located in the Village Sidoharjo, which is now addressed in Walanda Maramis Road No. 2. Further development was the receipt of proof of ownership of land used as a school site as the property on January 2, 1988.
Wheel changes that occur by reason of providing the opportunity for broader learning process, SPG finally converted to SMEA (Upper Secondary School of Economics) Interior Pacitan. Perubahah process status is stipulated in the decision letter dated July 1, 1991.

In the development which was originally SMEA only has 3 majors in the field of Management Accounting, Secretary and Sales, in the 2002/2003 school year opened a new department of Freshwater Fish Culture.
More advanced educational system requires every actor dibidan education to make improvements, SMK Negeri 2 Pacitan itself make significant changes to create an internationally accepted system to be applied in SMK Negeri 2 Pacitan, the change process was marked by the receipt of a guarantor of quality certificates, ISO 9001: 2000 from PT TUV Germany adopted on May 14, 2008.
In addition to supporting the development of educational facilities, area schools also experienced an increase that occurred on October 31, 2008 with the purchase of land adjacent to the south of the school.

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